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Highlighted Quotes
On Freelancing
“When working at a new place it is important to assimilate to their workflow and project structure. As a freelancer you have to adapt to their pipeline and processes. So ask questions and learn how to interface.”
On Work From Home
“When working remotely it’s vital to confirm when you get notes and feedback. The simple act of saying “received” lets your client know that you hear them, see them, and are taking care of their needs.
On Feedback
“On a brief driven project you will have to address feedback… You can choose how you address it and how you want to work through it. But you have to be prepared for feedback as a daily occurrence.“
On Experience
“Talent does not equal experience. No matter how talented an artist or producer is, there is no replacement for experience.”
On Passion Projects
“When you decide to do a passion project, it should be fed by the desire to do the piece itself. Try not to have expectations on what it will do immediately after. Most times passion projects won’t have an instant result… But they do add to your collective knowledge and help propel you forward.”
On Fulltime vs. Freelance
“When people take a full time job there is a sense of security which is ultimately an illusion. When people are freelancers it doesn’t mean you are going to get the pick of all the jobs out there. The truth is there are pros and cons to both, and where you are in your career and life should dictate your decision on what to pursue.”
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